Stories to share

Patient Success Stories
Millie Bepko

Tell us your pet’s story! (Health journey, past experiences, and how specific chiropractic care has benefitted

Millie suffered from pain when she tried to get into position for a Bowel Movement. She would hide between our legs, and then dart out, stealing and spinning in pain when she had to “go”…. it was heartbreaking.

We spent over a year watching her suffer while we went through extensive “traditional ” evaluations and saw many Vetinary specialists to find out how to help her, however, all efforts failed.

Once we got her into to chiropractic treatment with Dr Brianna, we saw her beginning to heal and on the road to recovery. Just a couple of short months later, Millie is pain free and able to live her best life as a dog should! Millie now sees Dr Brianna on a maintenance routine to ensure her good health remains in tact!

We are forever grateful to Dr Brianna for helping our sweet dog live a pain free life!

What would you tell your friends about Drs. Paul & Brianna?

I tell all my friends (human and four legged alike) that Drs Paul and Brianna are expertly trained in their field, do extensive evaluation and then work effectively to heal the whole animal/person!

What would you tell someone who is looking for chiropractic care for their pet?

I can't recommend this avenue of care enough. I truly believe that the most effective health care for all should be a combination of western medicine and alternative treatments, like chiropractic care. I think that all can benefit in one way or another!